Health and Consumer Affairs Council, EPSCO), även känt som sysselsättningsrådet, Europeiska kommissionen företräds av olika kommissionsledamöter 


Available from: (accessed Hearing before the EU Tobacco Products Directive 2014 EPSCO Council - Legislative Deliberations.

The Employment Committee (EMCO) was created by a Council Decision in 2000, on the basis of Art. 150 of the TFEU.It operates within the policy framework of the European Employment Strategy.. EMCO is the main advisory committee for Employment and Social Affairs Ministers in the Employment and Social Affairs Council (EPSCO) in the employment field. Looking for a job with the EU institutions or agencies? Search our database of available job opportunities for permanent and temporary positions, including contract agent posts, traineeships and secondments. © 2013 European Personnel Selection Office EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, ebooks and discovery service for academic libraries, public libraries, corporations, schools, government and … 2021-03-16 Main results Employment and social policy - 21 June Coordination of social security systems. The Council agreed its negotiating position (general approach) on the coordination of social security systems (revision of regulations 883/2004 and 987/2009).

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Rådet för sysselsättning, socialpolitik, hälso-och sjukvård samt konsumentfrågor, EPSCO-rådet, möts den 15 mars för att bland annat följa upp  Nyligen godkände EU:s ministrar för arbetsmarknad och sociala frågor den sociala pelaren vid rådsmötet (EPSCO) i Luxemburg. Den svenska  EU:s hälsoministrar diskuterade kampen mot ebola och vad EU kan göra socialpolitik, hälso- och sjukvård samt konsumentfrågor (EPSCO). Arbetsgivarsamverkan mellan statsförvaltningar i Europa. 8 expertgrupper vid Kommissionen eller inför förhandlingar i Rådet, främst EPSCO. Fredagen den 15 mars hölls ett ministerrådsmöte (EPSCO) i Bryssel där det Europeiska fonden för justering för globaliseringseffekter (EFG) är en EU-fond  Epsco är Europeiska rådets förberedande råd för sysselsättning, sociala Det var i Epsco-rådet som Hillevi Engström ansågs ha varit otydlig. Dans les conclusions du Conseil «Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs» (EPSCO) de décembre 2007 sur «Equilibrer les rôles  of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which is to be discussed by Ministers of Social Affairs in Brussels today during the EPSCO Council.

EPSCO-rådets möte 8 mars 2010, Rapporten ger en bild av den sociala situationen i Europa under 2009 och de diskussioner som har förts i EU-samarbetet på detta EPSCO – Rådet af Europas beskæftigelses- og socialministre Ministeriet deltager i det europæiske samarbejde gennem Rådet af EU's ministre for beskæftigelse, social beskyttelse, forbrugerbeskyttelse, sundhed og ligestilling, EPSCO (Employment, Social policy, Health and Consumer Affairs). Get to know ESCO. ESCO is the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations.

The EPSCO Council works to increase employment levels and improve living and working conditions, ensuring a high level of human health and consumer protection in the EU.. How does the EPSCO Council work? The EPSCO Council brings together ministers responsible for employment, social affairs, health and consumer policy from all EU member states.

Detta för att  På initiativ av regeringen var läkemedel och miljö ett av dagens ämnen på EU:s hälsoministermöte med EPSCO-rådet (rådet för sysselsättning  EU:s råd för sysselsättning, socialpolitik, hälso- och sjukvård samt konsumentfrågor (EPSCO) sammanträder den 3 mars i Bryssel. I rådet  EU och internationell samordning Kommenterad dagordning Rådet för sysselsättning, socialpolitik, hälsa och konsumentfrågor (EPSCO-rådet) den 4 oktober  Riktlinjedebatten har inte behandlats tidigare i nämnden. EPSCO-rådets bidrag till Europeiska rådet i mars är en årligt återkommande punkt på.

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EPSO's tests are developed and monitored carefully by its team of in-house occupational psychologists together with carefully selected Selection Board Members from across the EU Institutions.

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ESCO is part of the Europe 2020 strategy. Joint Employment Report 2019 As adopted by the EPSCO Council on 15 March 2019 European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion On 19 and 20 July 2018, in Vienna, the Informal meeting of employment and social policy ministers (informal EPSCO) will gather all respective EU ministers, the European Commission, the European social partners and others to discuss upcoming challenges from new forms of work, based on an increasing digitalisation on European labour markets. Remarks by Commissioner Kyriakides to the EPSCO Informal Videoconference of EU Health Ministers on Europe's Beating Cancer Plan - 2019-2024 EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, ebooks and discovery service for academic libraries, public libraries, corporations, schools, government and medical institutions EPSCO-rådets möte den 9 mars 2009 Dagordningspunkt 3 (a – f) Rubrik: Förberedelse inför europeiska rådets vårmöte Dokument: a) Viktiga budskap grundade på punkterna (b) till (f) 6449/09 SOC 95 ECOFIN 114 EDUC 21 6690/09 SOC 127 ECOFIN 138 EDUC 37 Arbetsmarkandsutskottet informerades om punkterna a till e den 19 feb 2008. Epsco, kommenterad dagordning 16 oktober 2014 Bilaga till dokument från EU-nämnden 2014/15:2EAD27.

Check Against Delivery. Ministers, Europe’s cancer patients are amongst those heavily affected during the Covid-19 pandemic. EPSCO-rådets bidrag till Europeiska rådet i mars är en årligt återkommande punkt på rådsdagordningen. inför medlemsstaternas fortsatta arbete med genomförandet av sysselsättnings- och socialpolitiken inom ramen för Europa 2020-strategin. Can I reschedule a case study, written test in the field, e-tray or translation test? 10414/19 ADD 1 EN Council of the European Union Brussels , 21 June 2019 (OR. en ) 10414 / 19 ADD 1 SOC 495 EMPL 383 ECOFIN 648 EDUC 326 Careers with the European Union - by the European Personnel Selection Office The EPSCO is composed the Ministers of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs of each Member State of the EU. The EPSCO Council works to increase employment levels and improve living and working conditions, ensuring a high level of human health and consumer protection in the EU.Participants should keep in mind that by undertaking the role of a Minister, they should support the The multimedia platform of the Council of the European Union offering free of charge broadcast-quality videos (MPEG4) and photos (JPEG) of all important events and activities Delegations will find attached the Council conclusions on the above subject adopted by the EPSCO Council at its meeting held on 24 October 2019.
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Many delegations emphasised that the plan was complementary to their national strategies and stressed the need to take into account the different Careers with the European Union - by the European Personnel Selection Office Ordförandeskapet har i tillägg till diskussionen vid EPSCO-rådet den 19 mars aviserat att rådsslutsatser om demografiska utmaningar ska behandlas vid EPSCO i juni. Kommissionen avser att under våren presentera en rapport om demografiförändringar, Report on the Impact of Demographic Change, som förväntas identifiera utmaningar med anledning av demografiska förändringar inom EU. Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis.

The Employment Committee (EMCO) was created by a Council Decision in 2000, on the basis of Art. 150 of the TFEU.It operates within the policy framework of the European Employment Strategy.. EMCO is the main advisory committee for Employment and Social Affairs Ministers in the Employment and Social Affairs Council (EPSCO) in the employment field.
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3 Sep 2020 In the context of the adoption of the new EU Strategic Framework on during the German Presidency chairmanship of the EPSCO Council. 4 Mar 2020 agreement with the European Parliament, Regulation (EU) 2019/1149 was adopted by.

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Careers with the European Union - by the European Personnel Selection Office

Brussels, 19 March 2020. Dear colleagues, First, let me express all my sympathy and solidarity to all of you, but especially to the countries where the coronavirus is taking a very heavy toll. 4 3) Online application form Before starting with your application, make sure that all the details in your EPSO account are up-to-date. Read the Notice of Competition/ Call for Expression of Interest and the General rules governing Open competitions/ General Rules governing Contract Agent Selections to Get to know ESCO. ESCO is the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations. ESCO is part of the Europe 2020 strategy. I have a lot of professional expertise and experience but the only way to become a permanent EU official is to compete with tens of thousands of applicants.