Agentive definition, pertaining to, or productive of, a form that indicates an agent or agency. See more.


These\ud sentences are challenging because of the non-agentive semantic roles they take in their\ud subject position. I have set the goal of the present paper to document how 65 Hungarian\ud learners at various levels of English proficiency cope with a range of non-agentive roles;\ud and whether the semantically marked subjects pose an area of difficulty for them.

The representations of these agentive women in popular narrative  av N Martola · 2007 · Citerat av 23 — The topic for this study is the Swedish preposition åt. m.m. Fillmore (1968: 25) räknar upp kasusen Agentive, Instrumental, Dative,. Factitive  The role that digital tools play in all fields of modern linguistics can not be underestimated. contained in the repository has been subject to linguistic analysis.

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Potency. Second, the Remarks on the nature of the passive subject clitic. to a verb that is non-agentive, such as unaccusatives like fall and sink as in (10a-b), or. subject of this non-agentive or 'agentless' causative is human, then it is interpreted as 'allowing' the event, or 'not preventing' the event from happening. Observe  Nov 27, 2016 Indian features such as dative experiential subjects, and the alternation of as the CP's light verb, and non-agentive CPs (with light verb “be”)  examples above targeted the most prototypical cases, where non-agentive participants are represented must be referentially disjoint from the subject of fare.

function, intended audience, not even a claim that they are all texts Speech Act Theory was chosen as one of the most difficult subject for them to master. The representations of these agentive women in popular narrative  av N Martola · 2007 · Citerat av 23 — The topic for this study is the Swedish preposition åt. m.m.

verbs that are both non-agentive and atelic. Such verbs are Blackfoot, agentive subjects must refer to semantically animate beings that exercise volitional 

Non-agentive subjects behave The non-agentive subject was at some point an object Unaccusative verbs (non-agentive subjects) Survey of computational a·gen·tive (ə-gĕn′tĭv) adj. Of or relating to a linguistic form or construction that indicates an agent or agency, as the suffix -er in singer.

Non-agentive subject

av N Stenbäck · Citerat av 2 — no. 17. Uppsala. • Lindahl, A. 1986. Information through sherds. A case study of the early glazed of Agentive-Interpretative and Ecological-Evolutionary. Archaeology. I: H. L. Cobb, F. Coward, efforts within the subject. The source critical as-.

Non-agentive subject

av I Larsson · 2012 · Citerat av 7 — In present-day Swedish, the agentive construction is not accepted by all speakers, and it is generally restricted to spoken language. All occurrences of non-referential det 'it' in the subject slot and all sentence may both be agentive and have specific reference, as is the case in Peter hit. me. The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics No. plicature is that non-human and non-agentive subjects do not activate the will feature. Nouns make no distinction between subject and object forms, and the genitive is formed by adding -s to the end of a word.

subjects. When the verb schmeicheln 'flatter' takes a non-agentive subject as in ( 16b), the sentence entails Mary got flattered. Negating this entailment leads to  century to serve as non-agentive counterparts of -er nouns in legal texts '' underlying (D-structure) subject'' of their base verb (Levin and Rappaport,  av AL Fredriksson · 2016 · Citerat av 15 — Frequencies of passive constructions in English non-fiction texts The structure with an intransitive verb and a non-agentive Subject has been  av E Klingvall · Citerat av 8 — 4In some dialects, a perfect rather than past participle is used in agentive constructions like Agents and Causers, which are subjects of non-stative predicates. Unlike Danish perfects with BE and perfects with HAVE, BE is generally not the participle shows agreement with the subject in the construction with BE (cf.
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The passive often sounds more indirect or impersonal. Or sometimes the agentless passive is used to avoid taking responsibility for an action or to avoid blaming another person.

agentive subjects have normal argument structures and linking patterns.

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8 See Chartrand (2016:16): “Non-agentive subjects, whether animate or inanimate, indicate an epistemic modal.” Hacquard (2010), however, observes that agentive subject is not necessary for the use of a ROOT modal (in such cases, relation to another participant is established).

For agentive verbs such as play and speak, this property is the will or  av F Lindahl · 2017 · Citerat av 19 — otherwise common for clause initial non-subjects in declarative main clauses. ambiguous and can be agentive, selecting a regular DP object (4a), or stative,.

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This latter setting also allows us to contrast agentive phrasings with a non-agentive phrasing (Hare et al., 2009; Fausey and Boroditsky, 2011). Agentive phrasings are typically transitive and indicate an agent in the subject position, as in “He broke the glass,” whereas non-agentive phrasings are intransitive, with the entity affected (patient) in the subject position, as in “The glass

The agentless passive is used to avoid very general subject such as people, someone, we, one, and impersonal you and they.